BEL ‘OCCHIO   …   the beautiful eye


This past winter has been cruel and unusual for a great many people.  But not for those of us living in the Pacific North West.    This winter has been a little warmer and a little drier.  The flowering trees are blooming earlier and many, many days we have been able to sit in the sun sipping tea and catching a few rays.

Hoping to cheer up snow harried friends and family I created a series of  greeting cards promising them  spring was on the way.   I gathered them up to mail, but somewhere between home and post-office I lost two of the cards.   One card had a Canadian address and the other to the United States.  The cards were not stamped.

 The other day I was informed the Canadian card had arrived.  Today my dear friend Celi of THEKITCHENSGARDEN  informed me she had received hers.  I am so grateful to the kindness of a  stranger who found my cards.  Took them to the post-off.  Bought stamps for the cards and sent them on their way.