Altered Paris Book

Paris is very much on my mind .   My daughter and I spent  April in Paris.  It is a magical time to be in Paris.   Leafless trees give one superb views  of  magnificent buildings.  The amazing architecture. The tucked away gardens and the beautiful boulevards.   In the quietness of spring  Paris seduces you at every silvery step.

I love books. Especially  old books.    And best of all I love old books that nobody wants. I rescue these orphans that are headed for the recycling bins and turn them into art . Altered book art.

Paris was my inspiration for an altered book.  Appropriately enough the book I used was titled The Hunchback of Notre Dame.  Victor Hugo’s classic became an altered book embellished with silk ribbons, beads and old post cards.

Envelopes contain the detritus two women collect as they embrace everything Paris offered them.

I dream … of a man who can dance.

Ephemera collected for ever in my altered Paris book.

DO IT YOURSELF VINTAGE FRENCH BOOKS . . . Restoration Hardware inspired.


There is magic in very old books.   They speak to you with a thousand tales.  Secrets from the past.  Adventure .  Romance.   Intrigue.

Restoration Hardware’s catalogue  “Objects of Curiosity”   was my inspiration for altering inexpensive soft cover books into expensive looking objects of desire. It is very easy to create these copies of  magnificent l8ths century handcrafted journals.


All your need is a length of heavy string or twine, Elmer’s Glue,  natural coloured muslin fabric, Mod Podge,  Black craft paint, Gesso, a flat paint brush and an exactor knife.

I picked up some fat books (six inches by nine inches) 50 cents each in the discard bin at our local library.   They were ideal since they were about the same thickness and would make a set.

l. cut pieces of twine for each book and glue to the spine with Elmer’s Glue.  Let dry.

2.  Cut muslin fabric slightly larger than the book.  Do not use pinking sheers.  You want the edges of the fabric to fray slightly.


3. Put sheets of wax paper between the covers and pages of the book and brush on a generous layer of Mod Podge.

4.Smooth the fabric onto the book and make a few small cuts on the fabric at the base of the spine.


5. Let dry a little and remove wax paper and let finish drying.

6. When dry add more cut along length of the spine.

7. Mix gesso with one or two drops of black craft paint and stir well.  You want a dirty gray so you may have to add a little more paint.

8. Put wax paper between the book cover and the pages and paint the muslin with your gesso mixture.

9. Let dry a little and pull out wax paper and let dry completely.  This may take a day or two.   You are now finished creating your very French vintage books.


I was so delighted with the results I went on to cover really large coffee-table sized  soft- cover books.    The instructions are exactly the same.  I also dabbed a damp tea bag on the edges of the pages to age them.

Sets of similar books retail for around $195.00.  Doing it yourself it works out to about $6.00 a book.  If you are a  “crafter” and have Mod Podge and gesso on hand (as I did)  the set of books cost me less than $5.00 for the set of four.




HOW TO CREATE AN ALTERED BOARD BOOK … and capture past memories.


Altering books  is  a wonderful way to create a completely unique piece of work.   Using an old book you can create your own very personal book.

I find these books destined for recycling at our local library.  Thrift shops are another excellent source.  Children’s board books can be purchased very cheaply.  I look for board books with an interesting profile.  This board book with a scrolled edge inspired me.

You can do ANYTHING  you want, use any material you desire. No wandering up and down the aisle at Michael’s buying expensive scrap booking elements.  You can plunder old magazines, greeting cards, use  odd bits of button and lace.  You  paint, scribble and cut and glue.   Have a wonderful adventure.  Basically all you need is glue and paper.    Then add whatever embellishments  you want.  It is not structured.  You can’t do anything incorrectly.  You can simply enjoy yourself.

The cover of my altered book was created by gluing on layers of paper napkins. ribbons, flowers and lace.

For this page I photocopied my grandparents wedding photograph.   I embellished it with cut outs from old greeting cards and used a scroll design stamp.  My grandfather was a merchant seaman so a few stamps was called for.

I found an old book of architectural drawings and using a copying machine enlarged them  Using water colours I painted them.  The background is a thin layer of a printed paper napkin.  Behind each gazebo I inserted a photograph of my mother and her brother when they were very young.

For this page I began by gluing on a paper napkin, then more architectural  painted images.  The children are copies of my siblings as children.

This page has a paper napkin as a background.  When you glue a very thin layer of paper to your page it crinkles and gives you a lovely texture.  I photo copied and enlarged the flowers, then painted them with water colours.   My older sister is in the centre, myself and our younger sister in the background.

More copied family photographs and illustrations from old cards adorn this page.


The front and back of the board book was covered with a thin layer of a  printed napkin.  The only items purchased were the “chip board”  words on the front and back of the altered board book.

A one of a kind book – I created it for my older sister’s 80th birthday.


This altered book is adorned with roses,  poetry from The Rhubaiyat of Omar Khayyam,  bits of vintage lace, feathers, and illustrations from a  Moliere book.   I created it for my dear friend Jilly.   All that she is, is in this book.

The cover of this Birthday Book adorned with vintage velvet flowers

The pages whisper of love and romance.

Gilded words beguile, enchant.

And whisper of long, forgotten days.

Mysterious pages of a long ago romance.

A fairy tale romance never to be forgotten.

(I rescued an old school book to make this altered book.  The books I use for my projects would end up in the landfill.  This way they are given a new life and create much enjoyment.)

AN ALTERED BOARD BOOK … roses, romance and a roue or two

The sunlight streams through my workroom window.

It dances over

Ribbons, lace, velvet flowers

Paper, paint, feathers, jewels.

Drifts of  poetry on paper inspire me.

I create

an altered book about romance, roses and a roué or two.

Hand-made paper and  a vintage rose corsage  cover the book, and invite you to turn the pages.

A  journey to a fantasy land

Where mere mortals can walk in a

wonderland of roses  and poetry.

A gift for a treasured friend.


The cover

The butterfly child had a dream.  She would be a butterfly

She dreamed she joined the circus.  She dreamt she dwelt in marble halls.

In her dreams she danced with gypsies.  She would be free as a butterfly.

What is a butterfly?

Folded pages holding butterfly cards.

Madam Butterfly.

I will not leave you alone.  (throws herself weeping at Butterfly’s feet)



I created this book for my beloved daughter, Roxanne.  The poem is by e.e. cummings.

I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart)

I am never without it (anywhere I go you go, my dear; and whatever is done

by only me is your doing, my darling).

I feat no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) I want

no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)

And it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant

and whatever a sun will always sing is you.

Here is the deepest secret nobody knows

(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud

And the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows

higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide).

And this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart

I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart).